Martin Andree is the author of the book Big Tech muss weg! Die Digitalkonzerne zerstören Demokratie und Wirtschaft – wir werden sie stoppen (Big Tech Must Leave! The Digital Giants Destroy Our Democracy and Economy – We Will Stop Them) (Campus 2023). He teaches digital media at the University of Cologne. For more than 15 years the media scientist has conducted research projects on the dominance of big tech companies. Martin Andree is also the founder and CEO of AMP Digital Ventures with a focus on AI, digital innovation and performance marketing. He is a sought-after interviewee and guest author at leading German media (including ARD, ZDF, WDR, NDR, FAS and WELT) and at conferences, such as the Digital Summit of the German government, gamescom, DMEXCO and Screenforce. He has written seven books, including the acclaimed Atlas der digitalen Welt.