Megatrends at a glance

Megatrends 2024

Megatrends are thematic areas that present changes and currents within the industry and guide strong trends in different directions.

Megatrends at DIGITAL X


Connected Business Connected Business
Security Security
Future of Work Future of Work
Sustainability Sustainability
Connected Business
Connected Business

Connected Business

The connected business megatrend is permanently changing the world of work, processes and business models. Companies are connecting digitally with platforms and ecosystems, with partners and customers. They are networking their products, devices, vehicles and machines. Why is this happening? To gain data, enable leaner processes and develop better products and services. And thus create added value for their business: increase their own efficiency within the company, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, generate new revenue opportunities. The basis for this is powerful and reliable networking.



On the one hand, companies want to become increasingly connected in order to take advantage of the benefits of a digital business model. On the other hand, such a "connected business" also increases the risks: cyber criminals are constantly developing new methods to exploit vulnerabilities and cause damage. It's a good thing that the IT industry provides strategies and technologies that companies can use to protect themselves. Systems that shield infrastructures in traditional IT and production environments such as the store floor from unauthorized access are in demand, as are sophisticated data encryption and tamper-proof user authentication. But also training and staff courses that promote security-conscious behavior.

Future of Work
Future of Work

Future of Work

How will the use of AI affect the world of work? Will we meet our colleagues for lunch in the Metaverse in the future? And what level of flexibility do Generations Z and Alpha actually expect from their employers? At DIGITAL X in Cologne, get to know decision-makers who have successfully prepared their companies for the future of work. Get to know start-ups that are making working life more attractive with New Work solutions. Be inspired by companies that rely on digital solutions to give their employees more freedom for creativity.



We often talk about obligations when it comes to sustainability. Legislation such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) or the Supply Chain Sustainability Obligations Act (LkSG) successively oblige companies to align their business with ESG (environmental, social, governance) criteria. However, sustainable business practices also offer companies opportunities. Not only can the economy make an important contribution to preserving the planet, a more sustainable approach also makes business sense. Those who set up their business in line with ESG create a competitive advantage.