
We often talk about obligations when it comes to sustainability. Legislation such as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) or the Supply Chain Sustainability Obligations Act (LkSG) successively oblige companies to align their business with ESG (environmental, social, governance) criteria. However, sustainable business practices also offer companies opportunities. Not only can the economy make an important contribution to preserving the planet, a more sustainable approach also makes business sense. Those who set up their business in line with ESG create a competitive advantage.

Facts and Figures

What can 15,000 German companies expect in terms of sustainability reporting in 2025? And why do 80% of German companies see artificial intelligence as an opportunity for climate protection? Immerse yourself in the exciting developments and expectations that are shaping the corporate landscape.


Around 15,000 companies in Germany will have to implement CSRD-compliant sustainability reporting from 2025.

source: DIHK
79 %

Eight out of ten companies in Germany see artificial intelligence as an opportunity for the climate.

source: Bitkom