Laura Kottwitz

Laura Kottwitz

People Development Manager

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Our Megatrends at DIGITAL X

Megatrends are thematic areas that present changes and currents within the industry and guide strong tendencies in different directions.

The speaker will focus on the following megatrend(s): Connected Business Future of Work

About the Speaker

Laura Charlotte Kottwitz conducted research on employability and adult learning during her business education studies at the University of Cologne. It is evident, that social and emotional skills of every employee are crucial for the professional success of an employer as well as of an employee. However, triggering a change in behavior during adulthood proves to be a major challenge. Laura's many years of professional experience as a hiring manager in the engineering & IT industry supportes this observation. For this reason, she supports organizations to conquer this challange in the role as People Development Manager & Business Development Manager at DeepSkill.

DeepSkill is the EdTech-platform for digital people development that enables every employee to profit from goal-driven training- and coaching-programs for the first time. With the help of DeepSkill, emotional skills will be omnipresent in organizations in the future and enable them to be more productive, sustainable and human.