Prof. Dr. René Schmidpeter

Prof. Dr. René Schmidpeter

Professor, research scientist and founder

BFH / Parmenides Foundation / Tetranomics SE
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Our Megatrends at DIGITAL X

Megatrends are thematic areas that present changes and currents within the industry and guide strong tendencies in different directions.

The speaker will focus on the following megatrend(s): Sustainability

About the Speaker

Prof. René Schmidpeter is an internationally recognised management strategist, author and speaker. He holds a professorship in sustainable management at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), Switzerland, and is a research scientist at the Parmenides Foundation in Munich. As editor of the management book series Corporate Social Responsibility as well as the internationally acclaimed series of publications CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance at Springer Nature, Prof. Schmidpeter has published over 200 works. In addition to his extensive publishing activities and speaking engagements, he advises national and international sustainability initiatives, economic organisations and companies in the strategic implementation of sustainable management approaches. He is a cofounder of Tetranomics SE and a member of various expert juries, scientific advisory boards and international sustainability initiatives in Europe, China, India, Australia, the UK and the USA.