Dimitrios Rizoulis

Dimitrios Rizoulis

Senior Vice President B2B Strategy & Head of Marketing for Business Customers

Deutsche Telekom Geschäftskunden GmbH
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Our Megatrends at DIGITAL X

Megatrends are thematic areas that present changes and currents within the industry and guide strong tendencies in different directions.

The speaker will focus on the following megatrend(s): Connected Business Future of Work Security Sustainability

About the Speaker

Strategy and digital transformation are his passion: Dimitrios Rizoulis has been leading the transformation of Deutsche Telekom’s Business Customers unit as Senior Vice President since 2021. In 2022, he took over additional responsibility as Head of Marketing for Business Customers, positioning the Group as a leading digitalisation partner for enterprises. Dimitrios Rizoulis is an electrical engineer (MSc) with a master’s degree in business administration (INSEAD MBA). He began his professional career in 2000 as an engineer and project manager for electromobility at General Motors, later taking on various leadership roles in strategy and transformation at the Boston Consulting Group, the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization and finally at Deutsche Telekom.