Dagmar Schuller

Dagmar Schuller

CEO & Co-Founder

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Our Megatrends at DIGITAL X

Megatrends are thematic areas that present changes and currents within the industry and guide strong tendencies in different directions.

The speaker will focus on the following megatrend(s): Future of Work Security Sustainability

About the Speaker

As CEO and Co-founder, Dagmar Schuller led the German market leader for AI-based audio analysis audEERING from a simple UG to a multi-million company with over 70 employees. She is an expert in digital strategy and innovation and has been working with artificial intelligence, machine learning and Big Data for over 25 years. The benefits of AI-based audio analytics for people are always at the forefront of her mind. That's why she and her team are developing applications for ever new fields: from healthcare to robotics to AR & VR technologies. Schuller is also Deputy Regional Director of the KI Bundesverband e.V. Bavaria and Vice President of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Munich and Upper Bavaria as well as Professor of Business Informatics & Digital Entrepreneurship at Landshut University of Applied Sciences, Bavaria.