Megatrends are thematic areas that present changes and currents within the industry and guide strong tendencies in different directions.
Annahita Esmailzadeh is a tech leader, editor, and an author and columnist.
As one of the most eminent and widest-reaching business influencers in the DACH region, she uses her voice on social networks and in the media to advocate more diversity in business and promote modern cultural and management methods in the working environment. She is co-editor and author of the book Gen Z für Entscheider:innen (Gen Z for decision-makers) and a diversity columnist for STRIVE magazine.
Since 2021 Annahita Esmailzadeh has headed the Customer Success Account Management division for the travel and transport industry as well as the energy and supply sector at Microsoft. Prior to her current position, she ran the Innovation Division of SAP Labs Munich as Head of Innovation after earning a degree in business informatics.