T Business Brandhouse

T Business Brandhouse

T Business Brandhouse Brandhouse
Im Mediapark Im Mediapark 6 7, 50670 50670 Köln Köln // Komed 6 - 1. OG // Komed 7 - Saal & Foyer

Our megatrends at DIGITAL X

Megatrends are thematic areas that present changes and currents within the industry and steer strong trends in different directions.

We address the following megatrends: Connected Business Future of Work Security Sustainability

Our district

DIGITAL X offers 4 districts as venues for the presentations. The Stadtgarten, Friesenviertel, Mediapark and the Belgisches Viertel.

We can be found in the following district:


About the company

Let's make Digital work. Together. This is the credo and our competence as T Business. We are the market leader for business customers. We are competent and reliable. We are there and listen to help our customers advance their business. Together, we think about digitalization holistically with and for our customers. End-to-end, from a single source. So that the digitization of your company becomes a success.

What you can expect at DIGITAL X

Experience the latest technologies and solutions that are revolutionizing your business world at the Digital Space Station. From stable global networks and cybersecurity to business applications with AI and IoT - a broad digital foundation can be experienced at the T Business Brandhouse at the Mediapark in Cologne. We lead you through the digital universe like a personal guide. This is because the ever-growing variety of technologies, platforms and opportunities as well as the requirements of the economy, the environment and social issues pose enormous challenges for companies. Our competent teams advise you on the basis of exemplary and innovative use cases and translate your specific requirements and goals into tailor-made digital strategies. In this way, we prepare your business for the future in a more efficient, sustainable and resilient way and develop it further. Whether you have a small or an established business.

What makes the product unique?

Intelligent data analysis and use, seamless collaboration and high-performance networks to secure networking and effective cybersecurity. We always keep your needs in mind!

Solution for the customer

Experience the latest technologies and solutions that are revolutionizing your business world. The Digital Space Station is a unique platform to discover and use the possibilities of digitalization. Here we have prepared tangible exhibits and informative masterclasses for you. Because our goal is to connect your business world, increase efficiency and integrate innovative solutions that make you fit for the future. We provide the digital foundation that supports you to be a leader in your industry!